ENOCH SPEAKS - The Pastor's Blog

By Freeman Ministries

* How often, recently have you heard the President use the term “NEW WORLD ORDER”? Just where did this "New World Order" come from?

* Will the "New World Order" have any effect on the average American citizen and their lifestyle? What is the stated purpose of "The New World Order"?

* Recently, there has been a great deal of talk in the media about "interdependency" of various countries of the world. What does the interdependency mean? Is it a new word also?

* How is it that the hierarchy of the Communist Party simply changes its name to Socialist Democrats and yet keeps the same leaders of these various countries?

* How is it that Communism, which had been presented to us as the biggest threat to the Western World for the past 70 years suddenly disintegrates and becomes among our best friends?

* How is it that the Soviet Union can put the first man in space and still have a very active space program but cannot get their food to market and are looking to the UNITED STATES for aid every winter?

* Last but not least, what is the real purpose of the "Free Mexican Trade Agreement"?

First let me tell you a little about myself so that you may properly evaluate the information you are about to receive. I retired from the Navy in 1977 as a Senior Chief Petty Officer at age 38 and went into civilian industry to support myself and family.

In the military you live a somewhat secluded life from that of the average citizen, especially if you are spending a great deal of your time aboard ship or overseas. Upon being exposed to the civilian job market again, I certainly received some surprises. Things that were foisted on the average American Citizen over a period of 20 years I was exposed to in a matter of a few weeks. Talk about culture shock!

The thing that hit me the most was this. In 1955 and 1956 prior to entering the service as a 19 year old man, I could support my wife, make house and car payments. We didn't live in any great style but we could make ends meet with just me working and we could put a few dollars aside.

My youngest son had recently married and it is virtually impossible for them to survive without both he and his wife working, much less put anything in savings. WHAT HAPPENED TO AMERICA'S ECONOMY DURING MY 20 YEARS AWAY?

I began thinking about this a great deal. I thought long and hard about what institution had more control over my lifestyle or that of any other American than any other Government institution. The obvious answer was THE FEDERAL RESERVE. They determine how much money is in circulation, what interest rates are and indirectly or directly (depending on how you want to look at it) what taxes are to be paid by us, the American Citizens. Needless to say, I began developing a deep interest in The Federal Reserve, since it seemed to have a much bigger impact on my life than any Congressman or Presidents I voted for.

I began asking my civilian friends and my banker to tell me what they knew about the Federal Reserve System. I got the same answer from all of them, "It is some branch of the U.S. Government." Everyone was complaining about the federal debt and the damage it was doing to the country.

One day I picked up an encyclopedia and looked up the "FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM" and would you believe the book said...it was a PRIVATELY OWNED OPERATION. Well, that made more sense because at least, I could understand the debt situation better.

The next question I had was...where does this private corporation get the money to loan to you, me, and our government? Was I in for a surprise! They get it from us. THEY PRINT THE MONEY THAT BELONGS TO YOU AND ME AND... THEN LOAN IT BACK TO US AND CHARGE US INTEREST.

Needless to say, I quickly realized that the stock holders of this Federal Reserve System had a real thing going. I immediately wondered who they were and how the hell they ever managed to get in such a position to pull something like that off!

After reading research that has been done by others and Congressional Records of the early 1930's, it seems there are now around 300 stockholders of The Federal Reserve that have voting stock. In 1984, with an interest of one billion dollars on the federal debt, these people realized a 33 MILLION DOLLAR PROFIT each on a literally NO RISK INVESTMENT.

To say that I was intrigued with this information is to say the least, and I pursued reading on this matter. It seems in the early 1900's a dozen or so big bankers out of New York held a secret meeting at Jekyll Island, Georgia and put together a central banking system for the good old U.S.A. This meeting was headed up by a fellow with the name of Paul Warburg from Europe. He was also the first Chairman of The Board of The Federal Reserve until 1920. Paul's brother Max Warburg was Financial Advisor to the Kaiser of Germany during the First World War, while Paul Warburg ran our financial system.

The people at this meeting were from the J.P. Morgan Bank (now Citicorp), The Rockefeller Bank (now Chase Manhattan) and other various big banks from New York that were financed by the Rothschild Bank of Germany (Rothschild also financed The Bank of England). In other words, you will find that our central banking system is mostly owned by foreign money and has been since its inception.

In any event, this plan was initially presented to Congress in 1910 as The Aldrich Bill. Senator Aldrich was from New York and somewhat of a financier himself. It was rejected by Congress due to private banking interest in it. With a few minor changes, such as breaking the system down into 12 Districts, (still all districts controlled by the New York District) it was resubmitted to Congress in 1913. After MILLIONS OF DOLLARS expended by the bankers the bill passed as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Our Constitution says that Congress and only Congress had the responsibility of coining our money. The 16th Amendment never repealed that provision and many legal minds say the 16th Amendment is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

THE CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE IN 1931 SAID THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WAS THE BIGGEST ACT OT TREASON EVER PERFORMED ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. That speech is in the Congressional Record and is included as a reference along with other references at the end of this message.

Now what does all this relate to as far as whether we can support our families? It relates directly. Out of The Federal Reserve sprang two other organizations, The Import Export Bank and The World Bank. ALL LOANS MADE BY THESE BANKS TO ANY COUNTRY ARE GUARANTEED BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. When George Bush told Egypt they could forget their 8 billion dollar loan they owed to the Federal Reserve, it doesn't mean the loan doesn't get paid, it means we (you and me) pay the Federal Reserve instead of Egypt. It is the same with all loans made by the U.S.A. that are not repaid. How many loans can you name that have been repaid? AS MORE AND MORE OF OUR WEALTH LEAVES OUR COUNTRY...YOU AND I...AND OUR CHILDREN MUST WORK MORE AND MORE TO HAVE ANY WEALTH. IT IS CALLED SUPPLY AND DEMAND AND THE SUPPLY IS LEAVING OUR COUNTRY, WHILE THE DEMAND KEEPS INCREASING.

The Federal Reserve Note (use to be a U.S. Dollar) is not backed by gold anymore, it is backed now simply by assets and productivity (sweat and toil) of the American people. The Federal Reserve Corporation actually has legal lien on the clothes you are wearing and any other thing you think you own. Total value of the U.S.A. (and everything in it) is set at about 46 TRILLION DOLLARS. Total debt both private and government is about 16 Trillion Dollars. HOW LONG BEFORE WE MAX OUT AND GET REPOSSESSED?

Interestingly enough, pursuit of this information turns up other interesting facts. For instance, THE SAME PEOPLE WHO OWN THE FEDERAL RESERVE ALSO FINANCED THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. The Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs, Schiff Loeb, and Rothschild were the Major Investors in the Soviet Union. THE FEDERAL RESERVE WAS ALSO. YOU AND I HAVE ALWAYS GUARANTEED THOSE LOANS. Rothschild is quoted as saying, "I don't care who the government is, let me control the money and I will control the country."

If you will take the time to read the reference material listed which has been researched by Professors of Universities, Congressmen, etc., you will turn up information that might even frighten you a little bit. For instance, the same stockholders of The Federal Reserve financed and brought into being in 1921, and organization called the "COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS" (CFR). Harper's Magazine called this THE MOST POWERFUL ORGANIZATION IN THE UNITED STATES. From CFR comes 90% of the people in the State Department and key positions in the Executive Branch. The CFR publishes a magazine called "FOREIGN AFFAIRS". Read it if you want to know what is going to happen in the coming years.

The CFR's Annual Report in 1974 says the project for the CFR in the '80's will be "The management of the International economy, global poverty, environment and the new "common"... the oceans, the seabeds, and space, and interstate violence, including arms control. (WHAT THEY ARE SAYING IS "THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUR MONEY, YOUR LAND, YOUR GROCERIES, AND YOUR GUNS.) Perhaps this can give us a better understanding of "Gun Control".

In 1975, Rockefeller Foundation Report discusses the "INTERDEPENDENCE" of the countries of the world on each other. That we are of one world and shall become A NATION STATE WORLD UNDER ONE GOVERNMENT. They also say, we must reach a zero state population growth. The Rockefeller Foundation stated that they have in excess of 747 million dollars to achieve this with.

One month ago, I was watching the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on CSPAN about 1:30 A.M. They were discussing the "NEW WORLD ORDER." (You will find this term or phrase originated with CFR) and how it should be implemented. It seems they feel the UNITED NATIONS, with a few minor changes is TO BE THE GOVERNING BODY UNDER A NEW WORLD CONSTITUTION. There is to be 3 or 4 Regional Armed Forces under strict U.N. Control (NO COUNTRY IS TO HAVE ITS OWN ARMY) for enforcing U.N. mandates. The U.S.A. Constitution is to be subverted to the World Constitution. They indicated on television they thought there would originally be some problems with Americans in getting them to agree to let the United Nations come in and monitor our elections. They said one of the first objectives was to get nationalism out of the American peoples’ heads, that patriotism to a country would not be a value in the future. Some of this is a little hard for an old salt like me to swallow.

Last year I had a conversation with a lady previously employed in International Banking, now employed by our local UPS Service. She informed me of an International Banking seminar she attended in which they were discussing DOING AWAY WITH MONEY AND GOING TO STRICTLY A DEBIT CARD. ALL FUNDS WERE TO BE ELECTRONICALLY CREDITED OR DEBITED TO YOUR ACCOUNT BY THE CARD. (Have you seen what's at the local grocery store at the cashier yet?) She stated there were presently communication satellites that could handle you buying a fur coat in Paris and instantly debiting your account in the states. That this system would be initially implemented with social security and welfare recipients. Sure enough this is now happening in Maryland, Texas, California with welfare and the military; and just about every state in this country. YOU HAVE GOT TO HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT TO GET PAID.

Last month our bankers came in to get our business to go on a cashless system. I refused. They said - THE WHOLE WORLD WILL BE ON IT BY 1997 AND IF I WANTED TO DO BUSINESS...I WOULD NOT HAVE A CHOICE. SURELY... THIS IS NOT THE MARK OF THE BEAST THE BIBLE SPOKE OF IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION!

CONSIDER WHAT LIFE COULD BE LIKE IN A CASHLESS SOCIETY. Every monetary transaction would be instantly monitored by the government and taxed at that instant. YOU WOULD VIRTUALLY HAVE NO PRIVACY! What can you do without a monetary transaction of some sort and what about being monitored by BIG BROTHER, our banking friends?

In 1954 The Ford Foundation President H. Rowan Gaither told Norman Dodd, investigator for Congressman Reece's Committee, that their objective "WAS TO ALTER OUR LIFE IN THE UNITED STATES SO THAT WE CAN BE COMFORTABLY MERGED WITH THE SOVIET UNION." Indeed, if Rothschild was right about controlling the money, you control the country, then it is pretty easy to see how Communism can fail so conveniently for the NEW WORLD ORDER. It even can explain how basically the same people who were communists are now Socialist Democrats and still running things.

So how is it that a country which can put people into space such as the Soviet Union cannot even get their crops to market. I think you will find it very interesting that THE SAME PEOPLE WHO DRAFTED THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ALSO BOUGHT ALL THE MAJOR NEWSPAPERS IN THE 1930'S, the same media companies that now own the major electronic media. Could it be that the major investors in the Soviet Union just need a little more of our money to insure that their investments in the communist countries are successful?

Do you think there will be a Mexican Free Trade Agreement? Did you know that Mercedes and Toyota are already building Automobile Plants in Mexico? Did you know that a union worker for Ford or GM in Mexico makes $6.00 a day? How many new autos can you buy on $6.00 a day, or washing machines, or whatever else is made in America? Who do you think the Japanese or Germans are looking at for their Market? You've got it, the good ole U.S.A., with no import tax. How do you think our manufacturers can compete with $6.00 a day wages?

Right again, they simply have to move to Mexico to compete on the same basis, AND THERE GOES AMERICAN JOBS RIGHT ACROSS THE BORDER. Being a business man and seeing the handwriting on the wall, I went to Mexico this year to check out business opportunities. (If rape is inevitable, find some way to benefit from it.) I asked a Mexican Real Estate Agent the average cost of housing (3 bedroom, 1 bath) and he said from $27,000 to $35,000 American. I asked how could a Mexican making $6.00 a day ever afford a home? He said, their aunt, uncle, mother, father, and children all lived in it and paid for it. Is this the standard of living the U.S.A. can look forward to?

Let me do a little forecasting and YOU DECIDE if you think there could be anything to it. This coming year you will have the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (EEC) operating on the same money for all countries, no borders as far as immigration goes. The EEC is presently headed up by bankers from these FINANCIAL PEOPLE I have previously mentioned. (Yesterday, the President of EEC said on television that the EEC Peace Efforts with Yugoslavia and Croatia were not successful and they may have to resort to force. NOW WE HAVE THE BANKERS CONTROLLING THE ARMY INSTEAD OF ELECTED GOVERNMENT. They also said pressure was being put on the United States and the Soviet Union to get involved. Who do you think is putting the pressure on us?) The EEC plans on absorbing the Baltic Countries into it also.

There already exists an Asian Economic Community. Once there is an American Economic Community then all that is left to do is merge the three and YOU HAVE YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER OR ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. For this NEW WORLD ORDER to function as they desire there can be no great disparity in the wealth of the various countries. Free trade agreements and open immigration will result in a leveling of all the economies involved. You will find the Middle Class has disappeared and there is only the very wealthy and the poor who are kept that way by the cashless society. Guess what percentage is going to be rich and what percentage poor and who the rich will be. You might have noticed the Middle Class is already disappearing here in the U.S.A.

Now the average American Citizen isn't going to give up his Constitution for some World Constitution that easily. We and our ancestors have fought too long and shed too much blood for it to give up easily. BUT SUPPOSE THAT THIS RECESSION WE ARE IN WERE TO BEGIN A MAJOR DEPRESSION. I mean a depression as bad or worse than 1929. Then suppose a party comes along and says "Vote for us and we will take you into THE NEW WORLD ORDER, have world trade, put you to work again." Do you think if you and your children were starving that you might be willing to give up your freedom so that you might feed them? NOT A VERY PLEASANT THOUGHT IS IT.

If you will read the material I am referencing...all written by intelligent, educated, patriotic Americans, I believe plain old logic will bring you to the same conclusion. Just look around and see what is happening today.

How can a free trade agreement with Mexico be good for the majority of Americans? WHY DOES IT TAKE ALL THE INCOME TAX PAID BY THE PEOPLE LIVING WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI JUST TO PAY THE INTEREST ON THE FEDERAL DEBT TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM? Why is it 20 years ago it only took one working to support a family and now it takes both? Why is literally 10% of the American work force out of work (not 6.8%)? Why won't the government extend unemployment insurance when the monies are there? Why do we spend billions of dollars to send a telescope into space that doesn't even work properly...when there are so many homeless in our country? Why do we have a welfare system that makes more and more people dependent on the Government? Why do we keep giving our money away overseas? Is it because the Europeans are worse than us? BULL HOCKEY! I have been to Europe and they don't have the problems we've got. WHY DOESN'T THE FEDERAL RESERVE COME UNDER THE GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE AND WHY HAVE THEY NEVER BEEN AUDITED BY A GOVERNMENT AGENCY IN ALL THESE YEARS?

Well...All of this came about by me wondering why I could support my family when I got married and my son had to have his wife work.

You will find VIRTUALLY NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OUR TWO POLITICAL PARTIES, the Republicans and the Democrats, despite all the rhetoric. You will find the training ground called the CFR PRODUCES THE LEADERS OF BOTH PARTIES and they both are headed the same way. They simply take turns being the good guy and bad guy to confuse the American Citizens.

SO WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT? All it takes is one simple step and that is to NATIONALIZE THE FEDERAL RESERVE. TURN IT OVER TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT INSTEAD OF PRIVATE BANKERS. Simply erase the money owed to the private banking interests, it was our money to start with. For the private citizens who have bought U.S. Debt - then of course, we pay it. Nationalizing our banking system, making Congress comply with Constitution and do the coining of our money will destroy the power base of these financial interests, maintain the integrity of our Constitution, take power from Federal Government and put it back with states close to the people where the Constitution intended it.

HOW DO WE DO THIS? Speak out! Write to your congressman, the President, and tell them how you feel about this! It is YOUR COUNTRY AND IT IS IN A CRISIS FAR WORSE THAN ANY IN ITS HISTORY. IF YOU PERSONALLY DON'T DO SOMETHING...NOBODY WILL. (Except the bankers) If you have any doubts then at least educate yourself...read the reference materials from the library.

C.R. BROWN, AQCS USN Ret. Saving America
P.O. Box 1205 Middleburg, FL 32050-1205
(904) 282-9877 or 1-800-633-7692

4 - THE C.F.R., Gary Allen
9 - SPEECH BY - Louis McFadden, Chairman Of The House Bankingand Finance
Committee - Congressional Record page 1207

Distributed free of charge by:
Freeman Ministries
P.O. Box 1055 Seattle, Washington 98111

A note  from The Church of Philadelphia:  This article was written in the early 1990’s.  As you can see, many of the predictions made by Freeman Ministries have come to pass.  More and more we are living in a cashless society.  I personally have been asked for identification because I was paying CASH for a high ticket item.  


Many living wage jobs have been shipped out of this country, not only to Latin America, but to Asia and Eastern Europe.  This void has been filled with low paying, part time service industry jobs.  Internationally, the once all-powerful U.S. dollar is being usurped by the strong, gold and silver backed Euro.  And let’s make no mistake:  it is not illegal immigrants who are destroying this country.  This country was created by and on the backs of immigrants and slaves, all from other countries.  Anyone who has ever immigrated to America did so with the idea of building a decent life for himself and his family.  While the current trend towards vilifying immigrants of Latin American descent has become popular, keep in mind there are millions of illegal immigrants in this country from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, as well.  The Lord has warned us about clothing bigotry in the white robes of “patriotism”.  The same rhetoric we hear being espoused about Mexican and Latin immigrants is identical to the rantings that were heard about Jews and Gypsies in Nazi Germany.


Gas prices are driving the average American into bankruptcy, which in turn, drives up the price of food and hard goods.  And our legislators have just made it worse, insisting that all gasoline be combined with ethanol.  Ethanol is hard to store and costly to deliver as it requires petroleum fuel to get from point to point.


The New World Order is not coming; it is here our very gates.  The Church of Philadelphia reminds you to get your house in order; physically and spiritually.  Remember the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.  Government, at every level, was paralyzed.  We will never have any way of knowing exactly how many people actually died in that crisis.  We can only know what the media tells us.  However, we do know this:  when a catastrophe hits, we are on our own.  We need to prepare by having several weeks of food and water stored.  And, as Christians, we should take into account providing for those who cannot store food, as well.  We need escape and meeting plans in place for family members, as well as plans if you must stay in place.  We need to accumulate basic tools and home protection, and a generator would be a good idea. 


But most importantly, we must prepare spiritually.  We must make sure that we have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  And we must take the responsibility to make sure our children know the Savior, as well.  We must continue to witness to those who are lost while the grace and mercy of our Father still abounds.  Every day that we wake, God has given us one more day to grow closer to Him and to spread the good news of salvation.  Food and supplies are important, but ultimately, the end of YOUR world could come any day.


Repent and accept the saving grace of Jesus Christ, while you can.

Copyright © 2005-2009 by Rev. Dr. Ricardo E. Nuñez.  All Rights Reserved.


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