And Enoch Also
The Epiphany
The Awakening of the Second Witness
Plus Bonus 2nd Edition of “The Empty Tomb” Included
Written by:
Rev. Dr. Ricardo Enoch Nuñez
And Enoch also,
the seventh from
Prophesied of these,
saying, Behold,
The Lord cometh with
ten thousands of
his saints!
The Epistle of Jude
Verse 14
7 and 7
Empty Tomb
Book One: Peace, Be Still
Chapter 1: What Time is It?
This sermon examines
the disciples’ eternal question: “When shall these things be, and what shall be the time of thy coming?” In this topic we look at current events and correlate them to biblical texts to give
an interesting and introspective appraisal of our place in God’s panoramic view.
Chapter 2: First Contact
is your God-shaped void filled with? Have you made contact with our Creator or
do you seek spiritual comfort in worldly activity? This sermon takes us back
to the Creation and throughout the Bible to reveal the characteristics of a true
Chapter 3: Job’s Comforters
friend in need, is a friend indeed. In these days, the word “friend”
is used so commonly, that it carries little meaning. This discourse admonishes
us to choose our friends wisely: the friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
Chapter 4: Will a Man Rob God?
God goes far beyond the collection plate. The message here inspires us to be
mindful of our actions and behavior when God blesses us.
Chapter 5: The Handwriting on the Wall
warns Christians to come out from amongst the unrighteous. Have the sins of this
country reached the point that God’s judgment will be upon us soon? Christians are called to be separated because time is short.
Chapter 6: Rise, Take up Thy Bed and Walk
the new believer accepts Jesus, is there a change in behavior expected? If you
can still comfortably live a worldly lifestyle, perhaps you have not heeded the command, “Take up your bed and walk”.
Chapter 7: Peace, Be Still
do you deal with life’s storms? The Christian learns to listen to that
small, still voice that says, “Peace, Be Still”. God is in control,
even in tribulation.
The Empty Tomb
Book Two: My Spirit Shall Not
Always Strive with Man
Chapter 1: As it Was in the Days of Noe
In Noah’s day,
giants roamed the earth. Who were these creatures? And are they still here today? Doctor Nuñez reveals startling,
biblical proof that the giants of the past are today’s “aliens”, and
are deceiving the world. Will God judge the world as He did in Noah’s day?
Chapter 2: A Tale of Two Cities
comparison of biblical cities of the past and the corrupt cities of the present. Does
our country compare to Joseph’s Egypt or to Sodom and Gomorrah? Are our leaders guiding us along the narrow path or taking the wide way?
Chapter 3: Peace, Peace When There is No Peace
today’s newspapers, radio and television the topic of discussion is: Will there ever be peace in the Middle East? Will there just be peace from a world filled with violent crime? In this world so violent and growing more so each day, why are our political and spiritual leaders standing
up and proclaiming “Peace, Peace When There is No Peace? What judgment
will befall the pastors and ministers who proclaim such a false peace?
Chapter 4: What Must I Do to Be Saved?
this expositional sermon Dr. Nunez addresses the issue of what it means to confess with your mouth before men that Jesus Christ
is your Lord and Savior; that Christ died for your sins and paid the price once and for all.
Accepting this gift of salvation also calls for you to believe in your heart, soul and body. Once you’ve accepted Christ Jesus, you must put away that old man (sinful ways)
is dead in Christ and put on the new man born and washed in the shed blood of Christ.
Chapter 5: So God Created Man in His Own Image
(Am I My Brother’s Keeper?)
God created mankind in His own image, why do we hate each other for the way we look?
How can we, as Christians, claim to love God whom we can’t see, yet hate those who God created in His image? If we are created in God’s image, how do the scriptures describe God? The subject of racism is volatile, at best, for the carnal man. Yet
it is a subject that is still, in this time, a divisive
used to separate the body of Christ and be the catalyst for Satan’s inroads into dividing and destroying families, friends,
jobs, government, countries, nations and churches. We sing of love and praise
to God, yet hate His creation. Is this Christ-like or Satan-like?
Chapter 6: A Rose of Sharon by Any Other Name (What’s In a Name?)
name do you go by? Is there meaning in a name or title beyond just the way it
sounds? Is there power in words and why do we allow people to call us just anything
at all? After you read this chapter, you may take a different view of the importance
of your name and what you allow others to call you.
Chapter 7: About My Father’s Business
We all know why we go to church on Sunday, but what are we about the night before or
the day after Sunday? Whose business are we doing when we think no one is looking? Do you put your faith and Christian walk on the shelf, along with your dusty bible
until next Sunday or are you about your Father’s business? Do you study,
preach, teach, learn the Word on Sunday, but live the
world the minute Church is over?
The Empty Tomb
Book Three: That Thou Do, Doest Quickly
Chapter 1: A Prophet is This, A False Prophet
is That
(Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That)
is a true prophet of God? From whom should we seek guidance? We are a nation overrun by 1-900 numbers, psychics, soothsayers, and astrologers predicting our every move. Are they heaven sent or hell bound? What
do the scriptures tell us about seeking familiar spirits? What are the dangers
of following those lead by Ascended Masters, clairvoyants, prophets, and the like? Who
should God’s people follow? Is there a connection to this nation’s
present problems and our turning away from God as our spiritual leader and towards those who are in contact with familiar
Chapter 2: A Wedding to Remember (Did
you Forget?)
celebration table is being set. The event?
A wedding to remember! Did you forget or were you not invited? Is what you’ve been told about the rapture found and supported by scripture or has it just been passed
down from one misled pastor to another? Where did the pre-tribulation rapture
theory start and by whom? A special invitation is sent to the event of your lifetime. Will you be prepared or left out? Are we escapists or overcomers?
Chapter 3: Why Persecutest Thou Me?
not preaching the full and complete gospel of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, we as pastors persecute the body of Christ. When a church hears only about salvation and not about repentance or judgment for
continuing a sinful way of life, pastors are guilty of watering down the Word so as not to offend. We go out of our way to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s
we have also given away that which is Christ’s: our selves, souls and characters
are compromised in an attempt to go along to get along. Fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom. By teaching comfort sermons we water down the Word and conform
Christ into a flower peddler who has not authority to judge or chastise.
Chapter 4: It Is Finished
(With That He Bowed His Head and Gave up the Ghost)
a Christian, we are all bought with a price paid once and for all on the cross! God
is God all by himself and no one or thing or deed will bring you salvation but Christ.
It is finished! It is not to be added to or taken away from!
Chapter 5: The Lord’s Prayer (When Should You and How to Pray)
brothers and sisters of the faith have asked this question: Should I pray for
specific needs? What about the deaf, mentally retarded, how can they be saved? Will God hear them? Should I pray in
public or by myself? And how does God discern my needs from my wants?
Chapter 6: Try the Spirits
(By Whose Authority Do You Come Unto Me?)
spirit is not of the Holy Spirit. Are there really ghosts? Are they our long-lost loved ones or something seeking to draw us into the occult? What is demonic possession? Can it happen to you?
Chapter 7: The Empty Tomb
is a church, man or woman without the Lord and savior dwelling inside you? An
empty tomb full of dead men’s bones! Do you put your faith in someone who
could not save himself? Or do you rely on Jesus Christ, who left behind an empty
tomb? We encourage each believer to read the bible and search the scriptures
for reproof. Find out for yourself if what you are told is based in scripture.

And Enoch Also Prophesied: The Epiphany
Book Four: Babel, Babylon
and the United States
Chapter 1: The Antichrist and the
False Prophet.
We learn in this sermon
that time was the key that held the book of Daniel sealed. And now we find that
the book of Daniel is the key that opens the mysteries of the Revelation. It
is only now, at this point in time, that we are able to completely interpret these books that have for so long held questions
and concerns for us. The stage is set for a false messiah and his false prophet to make their entrance. The true identity of the antichrist is revealed plainly in scripture, but only now can we see the handwriting
on the wall.
Chapter 2: Study to Show Thyself
After the tragic events
of September 11, 2001, Americans were drawn to churches nationwide. We have all
questioned this and other events and wondered why God would allow such things to happen to us?
Why indeed. God’s wrath has a right to be kindled against this nation. Dr. Nunez reveals the real reasons behind the escalating trials and tribulations in
which America finds herself. Are these the birthing pangs of a nation hurtling towards cataclysm?
Chapter 3: Babel,
Babylon and the United States
A fascinating comparison
of the cultures and conduct of ancient Babel and Babylon to
the present-day mores of the United States. Have we brought destruction upon ourselves by tolerating false religions and abominable
behavior for the sake of political correctness? Moreover, have we sacrificed
our children by leaving them to the demonic reality of new age lifestyles, satanic books, movies and video games? When the ancient peoples of Babel and Babylon
turned their backs on God, the bible is very clear about God’s response. Should
we expect any less for this country?
Chapter 4: What Manner of Man Are
What attributes make a
man, and moreover, what attributes make a pastor and true man of God? Are churches
being led down the wide path for the sake of full pews and overflowing collection plates?
God’s sheep are being given milk as comfort sermons when we have need of serious meat. False doctrines and fake spiritual gifts have taken the place of God’s word and gifts of the Holy
Because so many pastors today are not preaching the truth, we have multitudes of people who believe they are equipped for
the days ahead, when in fact, they are ill-prepared and living in a delusion. Soon
the Good Shepherd will separate the sheep from the goats. What manner of man
are you?
5: What Will You Trade for Salvation?
This provocative sermon examines a nation and a time fast approaching those
times that God’s word spoke of: when your ability to buy and sell will
be determined by your decision to accept the mark of the beast. When you are
weighed in the balances, what will the final result be? Will you stand before
God and have to explain how having a full stomach and a good job were much
more important than your eternal life with Him?
Chapter 6: Is America Going to Hell?
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. penned a sermon by this very name just before he was assassinated by the evil called racism. Rev. Dr. Ricardo Enoch Nuñez picks up the torch and carries it forward as a beacon to shine a spotlight
on those would seek to corrupt God’s word and use it to justify racism.
There’s a huge, dead elephant lying in the living room of this country.
How long can we ignore the stinking carcass of racism? Will the blessings
that this country has grown accustomed to become the curse of an unjust nation?
7: Who Do Men Say That I Am?
How is it that the very people who read God’s words every Sabbath in the synagogues,
could not recognize him as he walked among them? Did Jesus challenge the way they preached and carried themselves as men of
God? Had the preachers of that day strayed so far from the teaching of God that
they taught a gospel that exalted themselves instead of God and made Christ foreign to them?
Did Jesus threaten their way of life enough for them to have him killed? If
Jesus walked among us today, would the churches of today exalt him or execute him? The question is Who is Jesus? And moreover, Who is Jesus to you?
And Enoch Also Prophesied: The Epiphany
Book Five: The Second Exodus
Chapter 1: O Taste and See that
the Lord is Good
This sermon depicts the
whole reading of the scriptures in the way our Lord and Savior takes the physical aspect of providing our bodies with foods;
the physical aspect of our senses to convey a very strong point: The bible teaches
man about himself through the things that man understands. But the Lord intends
for us, as Christians, to go beyond the carnal; not just understanding the letter of the law, but the spirit as well. In so doing, understand that there are fruits of the Holy Spirit. When David speaks of O taste and see that the Lord is good, he is not speaking on Happy Meals, yams or
soul food. The Lord is directing our senses toward our spiritual hunger and spiritual
Chapter 2: The Antichrist and the
False Prophet
Part 2: The Antichrist Revealed
This sermon expands upon
the basis of the man of perdition found in The Antichrist and the False Prophet Part 1 to explain the workings of the palaces
and principalities that seek to govern the spiritual realm. Many of Lucifer’s
psychotic behaviors are well-noted in the Revelation and throughout the bible. His
ongoing scheme to glorify himself and to deceive man into doing the same have caused man and high technology to open gateways
for the promise of power, prestige and position.
Chapter 3: They Shall Mount
Up with Wings as Eagles
(But First They Must Leave the Comfort of the Nest)
There is a growing problem
and void that is forever growing between parents and children and young adults. The
lack of respect and the soulless ability of our children to commit heinous crimes that, only a few years ago, was expected
of seasoned adults. We see the need to go back and regain Christian authority
over our households and our children. We’ve left our children in a state
in which they cannot manage their lives or function appropriately in society. There
is a strong need for us to go back to basics in the rearing of our children in preparation for that day that they will finally
leave the nest. They shall run and not grow weary and they will know the majestic
freedom of soaring on wings of eagles as spiritually mature adults.
Chapter 4: But For the Vision of
an Ass
Once again, the Lord is
showing us the spiritual seam that He has sewn throughout the bible. As the Lord
continually attempts to identify, in this book that we call the Holy Bible, that we must have spiritual discernment and spiritual
vision to truly understand the book of God. He warns us of the dangers of walking
around with only carnal sight. We are also given a vision into the great love
that the Lord has for us. That He will use even the voice of an ass to get His
message out to His people. We see that it is not important who comes before us,
as much as it is the focus of the words that they bring to us. We’re not
called to judge the messenger. The bible instructs us to try the spirits, and
by their
fruits we shall know them: not by what they wear or the title they hold.
Chapter 5: The Load Bearing Wheel
While driving to visit
a sister church, I noticed an old sharecropper’s wagon rusting away in waist-high weeds along an old country road. As I gazed at the wagon, my mind’s eye pondered over the fact that the back
two wheels (farmers know them as the load bearing wheels), were still intact and still standing tall while the rest of the
wagon had deteriorated. It gave me pause to wonder how many loads and how many
souls those load bearing wheels had to bear up. It took until this sermon; a
sermon on who has been carrying the total load for mankind. Through right and
wrong, the Lord has born our sins, our burdens and the load of injustices that have been poured out upon mankind. This sermon connects us with the root
of our relationship with the Father. We are, once again, made to understand that
God cannot be placed in a box. We believe in a God who can carry any load and
any burden. Our joy lies in the fact that He is God all by Himself. He has been our load-bearer since we were formed in the womb and He called us from the earth. And God will fight our battles if we will simply instill our faith in the One who created us and not in
Chapter 6: The Second Exodus
We are given a view from
the timeline in which we now live. This sermon takes a look at the situations
that are around us. We see that there is a very strong resemblance to the time
when God told Moses and Aaron to go into Pharaoh’s court. Moses and Aaron
not only had to deal with Pharaoh, a man whose heart had grown stony and was full of self worship, but it is interesting to
note that they had to deal with Jannes and Jambres. Today, we would call them
astrologers, psychics, or witches. No matter the title, they perform the same
act. By such we see that when stepping into Pharaoh’s court, you’re
not only dealing with a flesh and blood, delusion person, but also with principalities and powers. These are spirits of great wickedness who come together to kill and destroy all those who oppose Pharaoh’s
reign and his authority over them. In this sermon we lay down the comparison
of Pharaoh’s court to the injustice of some of the laws we live under now. This
comparison clearly reveals that we are headed for a second exodus. And most of
us will be making that journey in spirit only, for the scriptures read: We will
be killed all the day long, as sheep led to the slaughter, for His namesake. We
witness the horrific beginnings of the separation and exodus by the spiritual wickedness that was set free in Iraq, Babylon as it were. That same spirit that brought about the beheading of American hostages is an old spirit. The same spirit that brought about the beheading of James Byrd, Jr. and the lynching
and burning of countless others. The follow-up to the heinous, demonic act is a nation whose people have turned against
each other. It has become commonplace to read of family members severing the
heads of their loved one. This is just one of many demons that will take siege
over the land.
Chapter 7: A Moment in Gethsemane
As senior pastor and author,
my heart has yearned that the scriptures would reveal to me, to my congregation and to my fellow clergy a deeper, spiritual
look and discernment regarding a moment in Gethsemane.
The Lord revealed to me that it was not only He who had to drink from this cup, but that each of us who picks up our
cross and carries the name Christian (to be Christ-like) must all drink from the cup that set before us. We cannot trade our cup, nor can we drink from others’. That
our cup was poured for us before the foundations of this earth. Even through
character assassination, physical torture and bodily harm we must drink from our cup; we must finish the course. After we have prayed, we are all called to rise from our knees and into action to make a stand for the
faith in which we clothe ourselves. We must be willing to die as a testament
to our faith and as a testament to those apostles and disciples who were willing to die that we might get the word. Those who sacrificed their lives teaching and preaching the gospel during a time much like now, when it is not readily acceptable,
nor safe to do so.
And Enoch Also Prophesied: The Epiphany
Book Six: And Enoch Also Prophesied
1: The Pride of Life (I Am or I Will, Over Thy Will)
In this sermon topic, The Pride of Life, we go back to the first
time that pride was found in Lucifer. We learn how Lucifer chose to put himself
above mankind and above the very God who created him to rebel against the kingdom of heaven.
This is the first time that pride is found. But we will show how Satan
has used what was in him to defile the bloodline and the heart of mankind. We
understand clearly why the Lord says in Proverbs 6:16-19: 16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination
unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands
that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false
witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. We prayerfully seek that when you read these words and scriptures, that the
Holy Spirit will discern in you those things that are of the flesh and prideful in nature; those things that might cause the
Lord to turn away from you. That you might recognize them, repent of them and
seek God’s face.
Chapter 2: The Rain Falls on Both
the Just and Unjust Alike
In today’s world,
we look outwardly at each other and other nations to find fault in others. There
is little or no introspection. We are counted as a blessed nation, and so we’ve
never worried about other countries as their people starved and the skies dried up above them.
But the holy scriptures teach us that the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike.
We also know that there is a season for all things. Just as we sit back
and let the sins of our fathers destroy us, and we watch other nations suffer and die when we could clearly give them aid;
we find that the bitter rains of hatred, sickness, poverty and pestilence are now raining down on our beloved nation. Just as we watched other nations suffer, go to war and live in fear, now we too, are
starting to smell the rain clouds of tribulation that are forming overhead.
Chapter 3: Adam, Where Art Thou?
This sermon calls out
to everyone of us that God will search high and low to find you. That His desire
for us is that not one of us step out of His will for us. That we will seek a
more initiate relationship with the Father through His son Jesus Christ. And
we will demonstrate through scripture, the pitfalls of those who chose their will over God’s will.
Chapter 4: Physician Heal Thyself
In this sermon topic we
look at the spiritual meaning of God’s words concerning, ‘Physician Heal Thyself’. We will learn how, just as physicians know the human body and can diagnose themselves, we too, as Christians
and being under the authority of the Great Physician, can heal our spiritual bodies.
By reading the Lord’s word, the Holy Bible is to our spirits what the Physician’s Desk Reference is to
a physician. And sometimes when we are facing the loss of life, when the doctors
have done all that they can do, we need to seek God’s face and get our spiritual bodies ready for the life after this
one. We also will go into the character and the spiritual growth my physician
and close friend, Dr. David Keith Harris.
Chapter 5: In Which Direction Do
You Pitch Your Tent?
In this sermon, I take
you back visually in time to put your soul in touch with the decision that Lot made. Lot’s tent was focused with
the front door facing Sodom and Gomorrah. As senior pastor, I want all who walk in the faith to understand that what you allow
under your roof or in which direction you focus your attention will soon become a part of you.
You might shortly find yourself
not pitched on the outskirts
of a vile and wicked way of life, but you might find yourself dwelling within the walls of sin itself. We should be mindful of what we focus on and what we allow to focus on us.
Chapter 6: Have You Considered
the End of a Thing?
This very topic takes
us to the apex of our faith. Our youth walk around, as well as many adults thinking
about how to get more money or be prosperous. What car do we drive and what is
in our closets? Our focus is totally on today and on the carnal or the flesh. Most youth and adults of this time cannot answer you straightforwardly and honestly
if they believe in a heaven or a hell. So they cannot definitely tell you whether
they are worried about ending up in one nor the other. This sermon is a soul
searcher, in which throughout the question is raised, by use of those written of in the bible, ‘Have you considered
the end of a thing?’ Have you prepared yourself for the day that your health
might fail you? For the date that someone you love might leave you? Have you prepared yourself for when war is at your front door? Or
when that cute little baby grows up to call you names and threaten your life? Have
you considered the end of a thing?
Chapter 7: And Enoch Also Prophesied
(Also I Heard The Voice
Of The Lord Saying, Whom Shall I Send And
Whom Will Go For Us?
Then I Said, Here Am I, Send Me)
We find very little in the scriptures about Enoch: who was seventh from Adam; the very
Enoch who was the scribe of God. The books that are found are usually books that
are considered apocryphal, which simply means that theologians decided at the Council of Nycea that they did not want to put
these books into the bible. However, we find in the book of Genesis and in the
book of Jude and throughout the scriptures that some of the very words used there were those written by Enoch. And those words have now been placed in the bible under other apostles names. We will delve into who Enoch was; why God said that Enoch pleased Him; and why God took Enoch and Elijah,
neither tasting death. We will relate these passages to the book of Revelation. We will correlate these two witnesses and compare the words of God and His holy bible,
where we continually see the presence of two men clothed in white; even at the tomb of Jesus.
We will also show, not only have these men returned throughout time and have been recorders of time, but that they
also will be here in these end days. That, after their ministry has been fulfilled
on this earth, the killing of these two witnesses will usher in the Great Tribulation.