The Church of Philadelphia
does not necessarily endorse the content of these websites, nor do we intend to represent that they contain information founded
in scripture. The links to these websites are offered for information and entertainment purposes only.
However, when it is brought to our attention that a linked site contains information
that is contrary to God and Christianity, we will terminate that link. We do not condone the use of web bots, numerology,
astrology or any other form of divination to predict the future. And we will make every effort to separate ourselves
from those who do.
Mature Christians know that there is but one true path to God, and that is through
His son Jesus Christ. Any information gathered or obtained by other means, especially means that go against scriptural
teaching, are not to be received into the body of Christ.
While we have links to websites that are not in and of themselves Christian based,
we maintain links to these sites within the standing that they are not representing themselves or in any way trying to mislead
Christians that they are bible based institutions.
Please note , yet again for clarification, that this church, the pastor and its members
will not conduct business or become millstones ourselves by dealing with organizations or websites that use the false pretense
that they are motivated by scriptural calling.