Ron Paul and the Bigots: Plain Talk or Plausible Deniability?

Rev. Warnock of Ebenezer Baptist Church |

Orlando Patterson |

SORRY, YOURE TOO FAT TO EAT HERE Miss. bill would ban restaurants from serving obese customers
The dwindling Ku Klux Klan may seem like
a relic of crueler times, but the number of hate groups operating in the United States has actually jumped a
staggering 48 percent since 2000. Many of these groups have sprouted along the border in Arizona,
California and Texas, where
their ringleaders have often hijacked the immigration debate. - Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern
Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala


What You Should Know Before You Cast Your Vote...
Be an informed voter. Read this article.
These types of racist, reactionary
views are not those of true Christians. And Dr. Paul's feeble attempts at pretending that the Wolf Blitzer interview
of January 10, 2008 was the first he'd heard of the issue, or that he can't hear or understand the questions being
put to him (as in the debate) are dishonest and manipulative.
Click Here |
Read Ron Paul's Response to this Article Here |
Angry White Man: The Bigoted Past of Ron Paul
by James Kirchick. Post Date Tuesday, January 08, 2008
If you are a critic of the Bush administration, chances
are that, at some point over the past six months, Ron Paul has said something that appealed to you. Paul describes himself
as a libertarian, but, since his presidential campaign took off earlier this year, the Republican congressman has attracted
donations and plaudits from across the ideological spectrum. Antiwar conservatives, disaffected centrists, even young liberal
activists have all flocked to Paul, hailing him as a throwback to an earlier age, when politicians were less mealy-mouthed
and American government was more modest in its ambitions, both at home and abroad. In The New York Times Magazine,
conservative writer Christopher Caldwell gushed that Paul is a "formidable stander on constitutional principle," while The
Nation praised "his full-throated rejection of the imperial project in Iraq."
Former TNR editor Andrew Sullivan endorsed Paul for the GOP nomination, and ABC's Jake Tapper described the candidate as "the
one true straight-talker in this race." Even The Wall Street Journal, the newspaper of the elite bankers whom Paul
detests, recently advised other Republican presidential contenders not to "dismiss the passion he's tapped."
I was out of Congress and practicing medicine full-time, a newsletter was published
under my name that I did not edit. Several writers contributed to the
product. For over a
decade, I have publicly taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention to what went out under my name. ”
Most voters had never heard of Paul before he
launched his quixotic bid for the Republican nomination. But the Texan has been active in politics for decades. And, long
before he was the darling of antiwar activists on the left and right, Paul was in the newsletter business. In the age before
blogs, newsletters occupied a prominent place in right-wing political discourse. With the pages of mainstream political magazines
typically off-limits to their views (National Review editor William F. Buckley having famously denounced the John Birch
Society), hardline conservatives resorted to putting out their own, less glossy publications. These were often paranoid and
rambling--dominated by talk of international banking conspiracies, the Trilateral Commission's plans for world government,
and warnings about coming Armageddon--but some of them had wide and devoted audiences. And a few of the most prominent bore
the name of Ron Paul.
Paul's newsletters have carried different titles
over the years--Ron Paul's Freedom Report, Ron Paul Political Report, The Ron Paul Survival Report--but they
generally seem to have been published on a monthly basis since at least 1978. (Paul, an OB-GYN and former U.S. Air Force surgeon,
was first elected to Congress in 1976.) During some periods, the newsletters were published by the Foundation for Rational
Economics and Education, a nonprofit Paul founded in 1976; at other times, they were published by Ron Paul & Associates,
a now-defunct entity in which Paul owned a minority stake, according to his campaign spokesman. The Freedom Report
claimed to have over 100,000 readers in 1984. At one point, Ron Paul & Associates also put out a monthly publication called
The Ron Paul Investment Letter.
CLOSE TO SLAVERY Guestworker Programs in the United States




at home than those abroad.)


RUCKUS ON THE RIGHT Angry former supporters of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps are questioning group founder Chris Simcox's

Parents No Longer Have the Right to Choose Medical Treatment for Their Children.
If you disagree with the doctor, the state may step in and take your child.
Your child could be forced into medical treatments you don't want.
Choosing alternative treatments for your child could cost you custody.
JUDGE ORDERS TEEN TO CANCER TREATMENT Parents Must Share Custody with County
Don't think it could happen?
Try enrolling your child in school without their mandatory vaccinations. The same
vaccinations that have been linked to the vast increase in autism and other health problems in children. The same
vaccinations that make your child sick almost every time they receive them.
Be on the lookout for mandatory psychiatric exams and medications at your child's school.
Try telling your child's doctor you'd rather not put them on Ritalin or Prozac. You
may be receiving a call from Child Services.


File Photo |

Mark 13:8
For nation (Ethnos)
shall rise against nation (Ethnos), and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be
earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.




Airman Elio Carrion Secures Equipment During his Recent Iraq Deployment |






RIOTS IN FRANCE AND RAGE OF FRENCH YOUTH IS A FIGHT FOR RECOGNITION Spreading rampage in country's slums is rooted in alienation,
AUSTIN SCHOOL DESEGREGATION ACTIVIST VOLMA OVERTON DIES, Overton 81, was voice for civil rights throughout life
Condolences from our Pastor:
In a week in which we bear witness to the passing
of our Civil Rights leader, Mrs. Rosa Parks, we yet again, say good-bye to another treasure: beloved brother Volma Overton. The members
of The Church of Philadelphia in agreement with our Pastor, Rev. Dr. Ricardo E. Nunez send our deepest condolences for the
loss of a fellow fighter in the struggle for equality. To the Overton family,
our prayers go out to you in the hope that His Holy Spirit will bear you up in this time of mourning. And yet, as we suffer
the passing of two great leaders, we are assured with words from the Holy Scripture that the Lord knows His sheep, and they
hear His voice. Brother Overton and Sister Parks have heard the Father's voice,
and have returned home to the flock. While we continue the struggle for equality
and civil rights, we strive under the guidance of Jesus Christ, and our understanding that all men are created equal. It is up to the next generation to take up the torch of this great leader. Stay forever vigilant that we might also pass on to those generations the respect, dignity and leadership
that has been paid for by the blood of those who have gone before us. The Church
of Philadelphia rests on the words of our Father, "I Know Thy Works". And surely
the Father is pleased with the works of Brother Volma Overton.

VISITING PROFESSOR AT NC STATE SAYS: EXTERMINATE WHITE PEOPLE Seen as solution to problems faced by many blacks
quote from transcript of speech:
And then
finally I want to say that we need one idea, and we're not thinking about a solution to the problem. We’re thinking
about all these other things, but we're not dealing with a solution to the problem. And we have to start to think about a
solution to the problem so that these young brothers and sisters who are here now, who are 15, 16 or 17, are not here 25 years
later talking about these same problems.
Now how do I know that the white people know that we are going to come up with
a solution to the problem. I know it because they have retina scans, they have what they call racial profiling, DNA banks,
and they're monitoring our people to try to prevent the one person from coming up with the one idea. And the one idea
is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have
to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem. (tepid applause) Now I don’t
care whether you clap or not, but I’m saying to you that we need to solve this problem because they are going to kill
us. And I will leave on that. So we just have to just set up our own system and stop playing and get very serious
and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem and the problem on the planet is white people.
As senior pastor
and someone who has been in the fight for civil rights for over 20 years, the poisonous venom of bigoted divisiveness is wrong
no matter who espouses it. When we fall prey to hate-mongering and words that
cause our division, it is neither Christian nor or is it a positive strike for humanity.
The poison that
is spread by hate-baiting is the very fuel that the likes of whom David Dukes, Tom Metzger and William L. Pierce, as well as other hate groups use to keep us divided. It will
also separate us when we use it against our brothers of different colors, races and backgrounds. Discrimination is wrong in any form.
The problem here
is when you start to paint, with a broad brush, a whole group of people. This
is why we can’t get out of the hatred of Wahhabism and Nazism. The doctrine of Wahhabism which has been embraced by Al Qaeda was derived from Nazi training. This brings us back to the same doctrine that has been used in the White Alliance, Aryan Movement, Skinheads,
Neo-Nazi and now Islamic extremists.
HATE IS HATE and goes against all the tenets of Christianity.


The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, killed 168 |
10 YEARS AFTER OKLAHOMA CITY, IS THRE STILL A THREAT? Right-Wing Movements in Turmoil, But 'Lone Wolf' Danger Remains

YOUNG SINGERS SPREAD RACIST HATE Duo Considered the Olsen Twins of the White Nationalist Movement

WHITE SUPREMACISTS RIOT IN TOLEDO, OHIO Wording of Headline more Important than Hate Mongers' Provocation?

COLLEGIATE MASCOTS STILL A SERIOUS ISSUE NCAA adopts new policy prohiting insulting nicknames, imagery
HBO Real Sports
Bryant Gumbel
28, 2005
A Source of Shame
One of the biggest challenges for American sports fans is understanding the huge appeal of professional soccer (football)
in Europe.
To a large degree, the scope of the intense hometown support and spirited rivalries that exist between dueling teams is admirable
athletic competition. But extreme fan behavior is also part of the mix in European football. Now, a three-year REAL SPORTS
investigation uncovers a disturbing, unchecked aspect of fan activity -- blatant racism. Among examples of extreme fan reaction
to individual players are the mimicking of monkey sounds and the throwing of bananas anytime a black player touches the ball,
as well as the waving of swastikas and open Nazi salutes. Speaking with Bryant Gumbel, players such as Thierry Henry of England's Arsenal reveal that in parts of Europe "home field
advantage" has less to do with the color of one's jersey and more to do with the color of one's skin.

Former US Education Secretary Bennett Denounced
for Comment Linking Black Abortion to Crime-Rate Drop
03 Oct 2005
Democratic legislators and
civil rights leaders on Thursday criticized conservative commentator and former Secretary of Education William Bennett for
saying on his syndicated radio show that aborting black fetuses would reduce the crime rate in the U.S., the Washington Post reports. During his talk show "Morning in America" on Wednesday, Bennett said that he disagreed with the theory that the declining crime rate can be attributed, in part, to
increasing abortion rates. "[I]f you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose -- you could abort
every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down," Bennett said, according to an audio clip posted on the Web site of the liberal news media watchdog group Media Matters for America. Bennett added that such an idea would be "an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do," but maintained,
"Your crime rate would go down." Bennett worked as education secretary under President Reagan and now is a commentator for
Salem Radio Network (Faler, Washington Post, 9/30). Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.)
and other Democratic lawmakers are demanding Bennett apologize for his comments, the AP/Los Angeles Times reports. Reid said he is "appalled" by Bennett's comments and called on him "to issue an immediate apology not only to African
Americans, but to the nation." Conyers circulated a letter, signed by 10 of his colleagues, demanding that the Salem Radio
Network suspend Bennett's show. The network declined to comment on Bennett's remarks (AP/Los Angeles Times, 9/30).

Pastor's Response to Congressman Doggett:
Dear Congressman Doggett:
I am writing in response to your letter of September regarding the disruption of the Diez y Seis celebration
at which you were in attendance.
I too, am very concerned about the Minutemen who claim that this country is being invaded by illegal immigrants. All the while, they feel entitled to invade our state unimpeded by any legal ramifications. I am a staunch believer in the Second Amendment, and I firmly believe in the words
of the Constitution of the United States that all men are created equally. Moreover I believe that the Constitution, along with the Holy Bible should not be tampered with or taken
in bits and pieces. Either we accept the Constitution and the Bible in their
entirety or nothing at all. And while I believe in the right to bear arms, I
am deeply troubled by several aspects of this Minutemen trend in our state. I
believe that every citizen has the right to defend themselves, their families and their homes.
But I find it quite disturbing that citizens with little or no training feel it is their God-given right to come into
a state, of which many of whom are not a resident, and while bearing arms, attempt to enforce their brand of justice.
In regular law enforcement, cadets received intense training on how to approach and interact with individuals
without incurring violence. Not only that, they receive psychological assessment
and evaluation to determine their emotional and mental status before being released on the general public. One of the main problems I see with the Minutemen movement is that there is no such assessment of its members. As a result, individuals whose beliefs fall into extreme categories, such as those
of various White Supremacy groups, are allowed to infiltrate this organization and move about in this and other states imposing
their beliefs and violent actions with impunity. And while they may deny any
connection, every photo opportunity of the Minutemen displayed by the media flaunts massive Confederate flags waving proudly
above every gathering. It is a travesty that in this country, the swastika and
the confederate flag are still freely displayed and worn on apparel as if something to be proud of. And I find it a strange coincidence that shortly after that protest rally that you wrote about, we are
now being forced to endure another march by the Ku Klux Klan here in Austin.
What level of mental assessment is being given to these so-called patriots to deem them fit to carry out law
enforcement tactics on the borders of this country? And what standard do they
use to stop vehicles and individuals to check for identification? If it is simply
by the way the person looks, then that is racial profiling and bigotry. We pay
taxes for our government to protect our borders. And not just the Mexican border,
but also the Canadian border by which the 911 terrorists entered this country. The
Canadian border is a much more porous border, but we hear very little about the dangerous issues surrounding our northern
border in the news or from these “patriots”.
PLAYING ROUGH The anti-immigration Minuteman Project set off an avalanche of imitators. Some of them are downright frightening.
(SPLC Intelligence Report)
Over the radio and television waves we are continually bombarded with stories about the so-called terrorist
threat that looms at the Mexican border. But Americans are continually under
a homegrown terrorist threat that is rarely spoken of until some man is dragged behind a truck or lynched. The homegrown terrorists I speak of send threats to our historically Black universities. And prior to the Oklahoma City bombing sent threats out stating that if whites continue
to mix with blacks at schools, then they would die along side them. These same
Klansmen, who are based in Oklahoma, had a direct connection
with Timothy McVeigh and Osama Bin Laden’s brother, who was in this country at that time trying to purchase and acquire
We have recently lost one of the founders of the Civil Rights Movement, Mrs. Rosa Parks. And with the illness of Rev. Dr. King’s wife, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, there has been very little focus on or a voice against those who continue to terrorize this country internally
with their hateful rhetoric. With the ineffectual impotence of the NAACP and
so-called Black leadership, it has been made clear that the many steps made during the Civil Rights Movement are being lost
on a slippery slope. But more importantly, when it comes to this internal threat,
the silence is deafening that is coming from our state and federal officials; even up to the White House.
If we, as a nation, do not stand together and teach against this ignorance, we will most assuredly fall together. The terrorists that threaten us from abroad surely are aware of the strong divide
in this nation. This divide was made blatantly and painfully more apparent during
the Katrina fiasco in New Orleans. It is only a matter of time before the terrorists will be successful in dividing and conquering this nation. Although there are many connections between Al Qaeda and White supremacist organizations,
no one has ever talked about profiling Caucasians such as Timothy McVeigh. How
long do you think it will be before the terrorists figure this out? How long
will it be before they begin sending only light skin operatives into this country, knowing that they won’t be challenged
by a racially-based profiling system?
It is widely known by people of color, that the lighter your skin color, the easier it is for you to move about
freely in this country. That is made abundantly clear with our differing responses
to Haitians and Cubans when they attempt to enter this country. American citizens
fought tooth and nail to keep Cuban Elian Gonzales in this country. But if any Haitian attempts to flee the tyrannical and
economic oppression in their country, our Coast Guard will drag, haul, push or pull them right back to that hell-hole. We continue to judge people based on the melanin in their skin, and so as a nation,
we are being brought under judgment. The very blood that has been spilled
on this land in the name of divisiveness will be the undoing of this country, long before any foreign invaders or nuclear
bombs are ever used. It will be the sound of a single gunshot or the snapping
sound of the spinal cord of someone who has been lynched that will cause the downfall of this nation. We seem to be at zero tolerance for everything but bigotry and racism.
It is my fervent hope that our federal government will immediately address the issue of our open borders to
the North and South, so that civilian vigilantes don’t feel compelled to force their belief systems on this problem. And moreover, it is my prayer that this nation will stand against the prejudice and
racial divisiveness that threatens us from within more than any foreign fanatic ever could.
Dr. Ricardo Enoch Nuñez
Senior Pastor
The Church of Philadelphia

According to well-informed
New Orleans sources, on September 9, 2005 New Orleans' wealthiest families, including those who are direct descendants of
the French who settled New Orleans met in Dallas with Bush administration officials, New Orleans city officials, wealthy Texas
oilmen, and bankers to plan for the reconstruction of New Orleans. These wealthy New Orleans residents live in the gated community of Audubon Place, a section of the city near the Garden District
replete with personal helipads. Surprisingly, this elite area still has running
water and sewage and was only slightly affected by hurricane Katrina. It is now reportedly being patrolled by private security
forces. The September 8 issue of Wall Street Journal ran a piece with more details on this story.

Rep. Richard Baker (R-LA) |
Richard Baker (R-LA):
finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans.
We couldn't do it, but God
The Dallas
meeting focused on rebuilding and re-zoning New Orleans without
the "criminal element”: a
code word for the city's poor African American community. These New Orleans residents have been scattered across the United
States and are now under the control of FEMA. The Journal reported that the Dallas
meeting was chaired by Jimmy Riess, one of the wealthy New Orleans
elite. Mr. Riess also served as Mayor Ray Nagin's Chairman of the Regional Transit
Authority, which is in charge of the city's buses, trolleys, and trains. New Orleans sources
report that public transportation was purposely not used to evacuate the poor New
Orleans residents as a means to depopulate the poorer and more flood-prone sections of the city. In
fact, after the properties in New Orleans poorer communities are condemned and bulldozed, many of the deed records of the poor and middle class contained in government offices
and title companies of Orleans Parish and neighboring Jefferson
Parish may end up being casualties of the flood. As one New Orleans source put it, "People will not have proof they ever owned anything." As for
renters and residents of public housing, they could be prevented from returning to their native city, according to New Orleans sources. Louisiana's Republican House member Richard Baker,
a strong Bush ally, may have tipped his hand about the future plans for New Orleans when he told a group of lobbyists, "We
finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn't
do it, but God did."
The French-American elite of New Orleans are among the city's "rich and famous." They run the Mardi
Gras Krewes or clubs, secret hereditary societies that sponsor the annual pre-Lenten festival. Many also run large oil companies
and are long time supporters of the Bush family and their associated oil and gas cartels.
Prophecy of October 8, 2004
...I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. My people are of all skin tones. You
shall no longer seek them out and persecute them. For I shall persecute you. I have warned you, Touch not my anointed. You
have killed my people. You have taken them into captivity, and you have not hearkened unto my prophets. You have rejected
my ordinances and the shed blood of my Son. You worship strange gods.
This is your first woe. You shall drink from the cup of my wrath. All that you have done
to my people shall, in these last days, be done unto you. You will be consumed by the worm. The earth shall mourn and reject
your bodies. There will be no shelter in the wilderness or under the rocks. You will not be able to protect yourselves. Though
you will run during the night and hide during the daylight, I and my angels shall find you. And the evil-doer that is your
father, the devil shall lay hold on you...

Rev. Dr. Ricardo E. Nuñez
On the cross. Seeing Jesus Christ suspended there, on
the cross with nails driven into his hands and feet, shedding his precious blood; which caused the earth to convulse, crack,
and rumble as it opened to accept Christ’s shed blood. With the clouds raining down as tears from heaven, grieving at
the image of what had taken place that day.
On that cross up in the air, between heaven and earth;
seemingly rejected by both, but really only rejected by us. On the cross he was nailed to the wood his Father had used to
save mankind from the flood. The wooden cross that, as a tree, bore the fruit that Satan beguiled Eve into eating of, thereby
losing contact with the Creator. That tree that sprang forth from the same soil Adam was created from.
That same wood that burned the sacrifices of the priests,
held up the supreme sacrifice: our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...on the cross! That same cross made of wood: much as the
wood held in the hand of a young carpenter Jesus, would one day with nails hold again the hands and feet of that young carpenter.
The same wood that held up Jesus on that day was not unlike the wood carefully crafted into a small boat that kept the disciples
from the roaring waves and certain death while they crossed with Jesus asleep in the boat, saying only, ‘Peace, be still!’
On the cross, that cross not unlike the wood crafted
with caring hands into a hay-filled manger that held the infant Jesus when no other wooden shelter would render cover for
the young King of Kings. On that same cross of wood that our Lord was nailed to; nailed him down, but could not keep him down,
nor from coming back. On that wooden cross where all our sins, transgressions, were nailed, washed in his blood. Forever removed
from God’s eyes so that we would not stay on the cross!
On the cross hung our Lord and Savior. The cross made
out of wood, not unlike the tree that our sick, deluded brothers and sisters threaten to, and have in the past, hung our young
black men on. In an attempt to curse the bodies of those that are hung on a tree, much as the Romans of Christ's time did.
That same tree crafted into a cross is burned on the lawns of those who speak out against racism, prejudice, hatred whenever
it rears its ugly head.
But even though a tree made and created by God to provide
shade, air, beauty, comfort for mankind is transformed into a weapon of hate, death, and destruction; you can not destroy
a vision. An image of something good: the image of a strong, black man rising up from the dirt of oppression; much like the
mighty oak tree or the majestic cedars of Lebanon. More abundant than any forest, and the provider of comfort for his family;
covering his family in the shelter of a home made of wood, not unlike the wood that made the cross which held up Christ. The
black man who stands strong in the midst of a storm that threatens him and his family’s existence. Because not unlike
that tree which is transformed, distorted into a weapon of hate, so is our young black man. Therefore, we must be careful
of the soil in which we allow them to root. It must be the fertile soil of Christ's salvation, preservation, and realization
of what a mighty race we are through Jesus Christ, who is the branch of Jesse.
Our young black men must be tended to with the loving
hands of a gardener. Tilling the soil beneath them so that
their roots will spread far and wide; drawing nourishment from their connection to God. Watered with the living water of Christ,
reaching upward toward the heavens, having the gentle winds of the Holy Spirit blow around their limbs; shaping them into
mighty trees that can be a shelter of comfort for future generations; or chiseled and crafted into the tools of God’s
mighty saints. Forever reaching upward and never bending down to the level of those too small in stature or mind to feel the
warmth of a sun-filled world. And too hate-filled to stand under the comforting shade created by God. For the forest and woods
are made up of many variations of trees. All living in harmony of one another until they stand in the path of a tyrannical
group of soulless people, set on a path of destruction. Afraid to let anything stand taller than them and their egos. People
who can’t, in any measure of the word, see the forest for the trees.
God gave man dominion over the earth and animals, not
each other. That image that all men are created equal in the image of God can not be cut down, killed or burned away. For
the soil of creation is fertile with the seeds of mighty oaks, cedars, redwoods that will take the place of those cut down
before they can spread their shade of peace, comfort, coexistence throughout the world.
For on the cross, death, evil, sin, and hatred were placed and defeated
by a God who will one day come back. Not just for one tree, but for all trees planted in his Father’s garden: the garden
of Christ where the Rose of Sharon forever blooms. And the beauty of the forest is preserved for the vision of beauty that
God intended it to be; not the vision left on the cross!
This is dedicated to those who have fallen in the battle for civil
rights, and to those who have been martyred because of the color of their skin.
Cynthia Wesley
Addie Mae Collins
Carol Rosamond Robertson
Carol Denise McNair
James Meredith
James Cheney
Andrew Goodman
Michael Swerner
Ray Peacock
James Byrd, Jr.
Medgar Evers
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Emmitt Till
The Residents of Rosewood, Florida
And many, many others…
Investigation of Recent Allegations Regarding the Assassination of Dr. Martin L. King
National Church Arson Task Force Report
Atrocities in Darfur, Sudan
Hate Crime Cases

24, 2000
Lloyd Doggett
Federal Building
Austin, Texas 78701
Dear Congressman Doggett:
are writing to you on behalf of The Church of Philadelphia to express our profound concern and dismay regarding the continued
persecution of Christians in Sudan and the blatant disregard and inattentive
stance taken by the United States government.
U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright clearly explained the American government’s view of these atrocities when
she was quoted as saying, “It is not marketable to the American people.” We are disheartened to realize that saving
the lives of innocent civilians seeking religious freedom is of so little concern to the American government. But we must
say Madame Albright does not speak for all
American people. May we state that the American people of The Church of Philadelphia find it extremely marketable
to protect the lives and civil liberties of any group or individual seeking to worship God: the same God under which this
country was afforded the freedom to establish itself as a sovereign nation.
is becoming increasingly apparent that the United States
is in the business of public relations, not in the business of applying foreign policy consistently. When Proverbs 31:8-9
says, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing. Yes, speak up
for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” is this done only with polite platitudes and ineffectual
rhetoric? Did not the United States find it “marketable” to
take an active role in interceding for the black Africans in South Africa
suffering under apartheid? Did not the United States
find it “marketable” to take an active role in protesting the slaughter of Jews by Nazi Germany? Did not the United States find it “marketable” to invest money and lives by defending Muslims
in Kuwait from a brutal dictator? Does
not still the United States find it “marketable” to protect
and defend against the slaughter and torture of civilians in Bosnia
and Kosovo?
then, it is not “marketable” to defend the lives and freedoms of Christians in the Sudan? Is it because they have no “marketable” resources to offer this
country or is it simply because they are Christian? It is commonplace to see media reports of starving children in the Sudan. But what they fail to report is that these so many
of these children are starving because of an Islamic jihad declared against Christians. The people of the predominately Muslim
northern Sudan are not starving, only those of the burgeoning Christian
southern Sudan. The Muslims of northern
Sudan live with little or no hint of war and attend clean, safe mosques, while Christians in southern Sudan sleep on the ground
and attend church in bombed out ash heaps.
Joseph I. Lieberman, Connecticut Democrat and Vice Presidential hopeful noted that Christians are the most persecuted religious
group in the world today. He was quoted as saying, “We are only now becoming aware of the dimensions, the enormity,
of the persecution.... The international persecution of Christians must stop, and Americans must lead the effort to stop it.”
lives of American men and women in the military have been sacrificed time and again to protect the freedoms of people of all
nationalities and other religious affiliations. But when the blood of countless Christians cries out from the ground in which
they are buried, America turns a deaf
ear because it is viewed as unpalatable. When Christian Sudanese women are being abducted, raped, sold into slavery, forced
to marry Muslim men, forced to endure excruciating circumcisions, beaten, tortured, starved, imprisoned, and killed for not
renouncing Jesus Christ, is that not enough to rally Americans to action? As a nation, we have historically applauded those
individuals, and groups of individuals, who persevered or overcame hardships because they were motivated by some inner truth
or conviction. Our Founding Fathers sought the basic liberties of free speech and assembly. Before them, Puritans sought freedom
to worship God apart from government intervention. More recently, oppressed Black Americans sacrificed to obtain equality
and basic civil rights.
of these hardships, leaders emerged and were hailed as heroes for putting inner conviction of truth above comfort and safety.
Today, and to our shame, we choose to ignore noble character and instead, redefine a hero as a professional athlete or entertainer.
By idolizing pretend heroes, we have deluded ourselves into believing that we are still a people of noble character. We resent
anyone who suggests traits such as virtue and honor, and label Christians as exclusionists. This country was founded on Christian
principles and statutes. But now, it is considered almost criminal to profess a belief in Jesus as Lord. American Christians
are not raped and tortured for their beliefs, instead they suffer character assassination and legal persecution.
it is time that we take a good hard look at how God views this apathy and neglect. Isaiah 59:15-16 tells us, “Yes, truth
is gone, and anyone who tries to live a godly life is soon attacked. The Lord looked and was displeased to find that there
was no justice. He was amazed to see that no one intervened to help the oppressed. So he himself stepped in to save them with
his mighty power and justice.”
is displeased with a country that established itself based on the laws of the Old Testament and the faith of the New Testament,
but now has no stomach to help Christians being tortured for that very same faith. God is amazed that a country that He allowed
to grow and flourish under His standard is now unwilling to intervene for His children. In His displeasure and astonishment,
God will step in to save the Christians of the Sudan,
if we do not. But, in the end, America
ceases to be what it once was: a noble nation founded by noble people for noble purposes. America must choose. Just like the true heroes of old, we may have to put selfish
notions aside and embrace a character trait called courage. We must have the honor to say no to a few economic opportunities
because we choose to honor ideals that bum deep within. If we are unwilling to pay the price, we should at least be willing
to recognize that we made that choice: and that too, has become a part of our character.
Christians of the Sudan, facing imprisonment,
death or worse, like Americans of old, seek to establish for themselves and “for their posterity” basic freedoms
of Worship, Speech and Assembly. Tragically, America,
while hiding behind political correctness and sin falsely labeled as disease, denies the very embodiment of these ideals.
Does America no longer have the character
and nobility to assist in these efforts? Has America
sold its soul for economic growth and instant gratification? When you put material gain or political relations before your
Christian faith, then those things become your god. Throughout the Bible, the
true God warns and acts upon those who worship false idols.
is displeased with the United States and
is amazed that intervening for Sudanese Christians is not “marketable”. When we allow these heinous and barbaric
acts to continue while we turn a blind eye, we are reminded in Hosea 4:1-5 which
says, “...the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge
of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood
toucheth blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish...”. By allowing
the oppression and murder of any people to go unchecked, we as Christians and as a nation are giving tacit approval and the
false impression that this behavior is acceptable, thereby declaring open season on Christians everywhere. In doing so, we are fostering the belief that crimes and sins against certain people are allowable. Proverbs 27:17 tells us, " Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance
of his friend." As Christians, we are called upon to sharpen each others testimony
with the word of God, thereby strengthening one another. Who is sharpening the
iron of those Christians who are persecuted if no one will stand in the gap for them.
Can we not make a difference? Can not the iron of Christians all over
the planet help sharpen the iron of those who need it most?
Bible calls Christians the light of the world, and we are admonished to not be conformed to this world. The entire global
community is looking at us as Americans and as American Christians to see how we respond to such atrocities. The Bible tells
us to be defenders of the faith and to fight the good fight. In the practice of Christian apologetics, we do not apologize
for our belief in an eternal God and His son Jesus Christ. It is the very same God before whom the people of the Sudan and America,
as well as all countries in which Christians are oppressed will one day stand in judgement. What will your answer be when
God asks you, “If you loved Me, did you feed My sheep. Or did you allow the wolves to come in to destroy My flock because
it wasn’t marketable to act?”
God’s response to our inaction be as stated in Matthew 25:41-45, ... “‘Away with you, you cursed ones, into
the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his demons! For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and
you didn’t give me anything to drink. I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked,
and you gave me no clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.’
Then they will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in
prison, and not help you?’ And he will answer, ‘I assure you, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers
and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’”
Isaiah1:15 tells us, "And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea,
when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. We
as Christians send prayers before God, but they are not heard because we have blood on our hands. The blood of those martyred for their faith as we sit idly by and ignore the atrocities that are taking
place simply because standing up for them will not enrich our lives financially. Finally,
the scriptures tell us in Acts 3:6, "...Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee:". Are we called to defend the faith at all costs or is the price not yet high enough? Will it be when they come for you?
is our fervent prayer, that you, as representatives of the American citizenry will express your opposition to those who are
actively oppress Christians in the Sudan.
We further pray for relief for those Christians in the Sudan
who suffer for their faith, as well as for their oppressors who persecute and murder them.
American citizens of The Church of Philadelphia implore you take immediate action and intervene in this tragic loss of life
and freedom in the Sudan.
Christian love and care,
The Members of The Church of Philadelphia

Gravesite of Mr. James Byrd, Jr. |
Notes from the Byrd Family after Dr. Nuñez's visit |
Headstone of Mr. James Byrd, Jr. |
Psalms 35: 1 - 28 |
1 Plead my cause, O LORD, with them that strive with me:
fight against them that fight against me. 2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. 3 Draw
out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation. 4 Let them
be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.
5 Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase them. 6 Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the LORD persecute them. 7 For
without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. 8 Let destruction
come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall. 9 And
my soul shall be joyful in the LORD: it shall rejoice in his salvation. 10 All my bones shall say, LORD, who is like
unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth
11 False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not. 12 They rewarded me evil for
good to the spoiling of my soul. 13 But
as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. 14 I behaved myself as though he
had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother. 15 But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered
themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not: 16 With hypocritical mockers in
feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth.
17 Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from
their destructions, my darling from the lions.
18 I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people. 19 Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without
a cause. 20 For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land. 21 Yea,
they opened their mouth wide against me, and said, Aha, aha, our eye hath seen it. 22 This thou hast seen, O LORD: keep
not silence: O Lord, be not far from me. 23 Stir up thyself, and awake to my judgment, even unto my cause, my God and
my Lord. 24 Judge me, O LORD my God, according to thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me. 25 Let them
not say in their hearts, Ah, so would we
have it: let them not say, We have swallowed him up. 26 Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice
at mine hurt: let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against me. 27 Let them shout for
joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure
in the prosperity of his servant. 28 And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long.
Civil Rights of African
Timeline (1619 - 2000) 1619 Twenty Africans arrive in Jamestown, VA, and are
sold as indentured servants.
1626 Dutch West India Co. exports 11 male slaves to New York.
1630 Massachusetts
enacts a law protecting enslaved Africans who flee owners because of ill treatment.
1642 Virginia passes a fugitive slave order penalizing those who assist runaway slaves.
1663 Black
and white indentured servants plan a rebellion in Gloucester County, VA. The citizens put it down violently, and display the heads of the slain rebels.
1664 New York and New Jersey recognize
legality of slavery.
Boston traders begin to import black slaves directly from Africa.
1668 Virginia
enacts law denying legal equality to freed blacks.
1675 100,000 African slaves in the West Indies in Caribbean
Sea, south of Florida; 5,000 in North America.
1685 New York law forbids black and Native American slaves from having meetings
or carrying firearms.
1688 Germantown, PA,
Quakers sign first official written protest against slavery in North America.
1692 Virginia enacts a law making it legal to kill runaway slaves in the
course of recapture.
1693 Philadelphia, PA,
permits whites to "take up" and imprison any black found without a pass.
1700 1,000 blacks in New England
colonies; Boston becomes slave trade center for New England; first anti-slavery pamphlet published
in New England.
1711 Britain's
Queen Anne overrules a new Pennsylvania colonial law prohibiting
1712 Pennsylvania outlaws slave
1721 South Carolina limits the vote to free white Christian men.
1723 Boston, MA, slaves accused of setting a dozen fires in one
week. The next year, Boston imposes curfews on non-whites.
1727 Benjamin
Franklin organizes the Junto, an anti-slavery group, in Philadelphia,
Blacks and Native Americans revolt in Middlesex and Gloucester Counties in Virginia.
1729 Carolina,
split over slavery issue, divides into separate colonies, North and South.
1733 Spain promises freedom in Spanish Florida to slaves escaped from English colonies.
1735 South Carolina passes laws requiring slaves to wear clothing identifying
them as slaves; newly freed slaves must leave the state within six months or risk re-enslavement.
1737 Indentured
black servant petitions Massachusetts court and wins his
freedom after the death of the white woman he works for.
1739 Slaves revolt in South Carolina.
1741 South Carolina
law prohibits teaching slaves to write.
1751 South Carolina
law prohibits slaves from learning about medicines or becoming doctors.
1752 Future President George Washington
acquires the Mount Vernon, VA,
estate and its 18 slaves. Eventually he owns 200 slaves.
1758 Philadelphia
opens schools for black children.
1760 Black population reaches 325,806 in American colonies.
1762 Virginia law restricts vote to white men.
1765 A black
woman claims she has been unlawfully enslaved and wins her freedom from Massachusetts
1770 Crispus Attucks, runaway slave and seaman, is first American killed in Boston Massacre battle
between British and colonists.
1773 Massachusetts slaves petition legislature for their freedom.
1774 Continental Congress
bars importation of slaves; import continues in defiance of law.
Thomas Jefferson declares abolition of slavery as
one of the goals of the colonists and accuses Britain
of blocking efforts to end slave trade.
1775 Philadelphia Quakers organize the Pennsylvania Society for the
Abolition of Slavery. Benjamin Franklin elected president.
Blacks fight in various ways for Colonial freedoms, participate
as Minutemen, join Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys, fight at the Battle of Bunker Hill.
George Washington,
the new commander of American troops, forbids officers to recruit blacks for the military. He soon reverses his position.
least 100,000 slaves run away from their masters.
1776 Second Continental Congress forbids importation of
slaves into 13 colonies. Import continues illegally.
1780 Pennsylvania passes
emancipation law; Massachusetts constitution abolishes slavery; black Massachusetts taxpayers demand the right to vote, arguing "taxation without representation".
1783 Revolutionary
War ends; 10,000 blacks have served
Elizabeth '"Mum Bett" Freeman successfully sues
for her freedom using a Massachusetts constitution that
says all men are born free and equal.
1784 U.S. Congress rejects Thomas Jefferson proposal to exclude slavery
from all western territories after 1800.
Connecticut passes gradual emancipation law;
Rhode Island passes similar law and abolishes slavery.
1785 New York slaves who served in Revolutionary Army are freed.
1787 U.S.
Constitution adopted, considers one slave equal to three-fifths of a man of another race.
1790 U.S. Census
says 757,208 blacks in U.S.; 59,557 are
1793 Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin, prompting expansion of cotton industry and increased demand
for African slaves.
U.S. Congress adopts first Fugitive Slave Law, making aid to fugitive slaves a criminal offense.
1797 U.S. Congress rejects a petition seeking to overturn a North Carolina law requiring slaves freed by their Quaker
masters be returned to the state and to slavery.
1800 U.S. Congress rejects, 85 to 1, an antislavery petition
offered by free Philadelphia blacks.
1802-1805 Ohio constitution abolishes slavery, then prohibits free blacks from
voting and passes the first Black Laws, restricting rights of blacks in North.
1807 U.S. Congress prohibits
importation of new slaves into U.S., effective
Jan. 1, 1808. Between 1808 and 1860, approximately 250,000 slaves are illegally imported.
1809 New York legally recognizes marriage within black community.
1810 U.S.
Congress prohibits blacks from carrying mail for postal service.
1814 Two black regiments formed in New York to fight in War of 1812; the African Free School in New
York City is burned.
1815 Levi Coffin establishes Underground Railroad.
1820 Missouri
Compromise enacted—Maine enters union as a free state;
Missouri as a slave state. Slavery banned in Louisiana Purchase territory.
1821 Missouri law disenfranchises
blacks—takes away voting rights; New York restricts
black male voting.
1822 Denmark Vesey, free black carpenter, organizes plot to seize Charleston, SC.
Land now known as Liberia colonized by black American settlers from American
Colonization Society.
1827 Slavery officially abolished in New
York; 10,000 blacks freed.
1828 William Lloyd Garrison, abolitionist writer, attacks
slavery in Bennington, VT,
1830 Rise of slave revolts prompts restrictions on education, particularly in the South.
1832 Nat
Turner and five other slaves revolt in Virginia. Turner
captured and hanged.
William Lloyd Garrison begins publishing the Liberator in Boston,
1836 John B. Russwurm becomes governor of a colony of emigrant
black Americans in Liberia.
1838 Pennsylvania takes away voting rights of blacks.
1841 Frederick
Douglass successfully campaigns in Rhode Island against
the Dorr Constitution, which would repeal black voting right.
1842 First fugitive slave case involving George
Latimore, an escaped slave, in Boston, Massachusetts.
Abolitionists purchase Latimore's freedom.
1843 Sojourner Truth begins abolitionist work; William Wells Brown
begins anti-slavery lectures.
1845 Frederick Douglass publishes "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass".
1847 Dred
Scott files suit for his freedom in St. Louis, MO,
testing Missouri Compromise.
New Jersey takes away
black voting rights.
Frederick Douglass speaks to women's rights meeting in Seneca
Falls, NY.
Henry "Box" Brown escapes to freedom by climbing
into a box and shipping himself to Philadelphia.
1849 Harriet
Tubman escapes from slavery in Maryland.
Roberts files first integration suit on behalf of daughter who is denied admission to a Boston
1850 Congressional compromise upholds and strengthens 1793 Fugitive Slave Act; California
enters union as a free state.
1854 Kansas-Nebraska
Act repeals Missouri Compromise and permits admission of Kansas and Nebraska territories to union, whether or not they allow slavery.
Republican Party
is formed to oppose extension of slavery into the territories.
1856 California
court affirms freedom of Biddy Mason, who stayed in California
when her master returned South.
1857 In Dred Scott v. Sanford case, U.S. Supreme
Court rules that Dred Scott cannot sue for his freedom in a free state
because he is property.
Maine and New Hampshire
continue to grant freedom and citizenship to blacks.
1859 John Brown raids federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, WV to undermine
slavery. He and 18 other men are captured and executed.
1861 Civil War begins when Confederates attack Fort Sumter, SC.
1866 First
Civil Rights Act declaring freed blacks to be U.S.
citizens and nullifying black codes passes in Congress, which overrides President Andrew Johnson's veto.
Ku Klux Klan
begins campaign of terror against blacks and white Republicans.
1862 U.S. Congress bans slavery in the District of Columbia and U.S.
territories; slaveholders compensated for their lost "property".
Harriet Tubman serves as a spy, scout and guerrilla
for Union Army.
1863 Abraham Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation, freeing all slaves in those states
rebelling against union.
54th Massachusetts Volunteers formed, the first northern black regiment.
1865 Civil
War ends.
U.S. Congress ratifies 13th Amendment abolishing slavery.
1868 U.S. Congress passes 14th
Amendment, granting blacks full citizenship and equal civil rights.
1870 Congress passes first Enforcement
Acts to control Ku Klux Klan and guarantee civil and political rights to blacks through federal courts.
15th Amendment
passes, granting male suffrage regardless of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
1873 U.S.
Supreme Court rules that the "due process" clause of the 14th Amendment protects national—not state—citizenship.
1875 Civil
Rights Act gives blacks right to equal treatment in inns, public conveniences, public amusement places and prohibits their
exclusion from jury duty.
1881 Tennessee
enacts a law requiring racial segregation in railroad cars.
1883 U.S. Supreme Court rules that Civil Rights
Act of 1875 is unconstitutional, on grounds U.S. Congress had gone beyond its authority by making laws that only states had
right to make.
1890 Mississippi state constitution restricts black votes by requiring a rigged test of "understanding".
1895 W.E.B.
DuBois receives first doctorate degree awarded to a black from Harvard University in Massachusetts.
1896 U.S.
Supreme Court rules "separate but equal" facilities are constitutional.
1898 Louisiana begins restricting the vote to those males whose grandfathers were eligible to
vote on or before January 1, 1867.
1900 Booker T. Washington organizes the National Negro Business League.
1905 W.E.B.
DuBois and others meet in Niagara Falls, NY,
to discuss actions on behalf of blacks. This and subsequent meetings lead to the creation of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
Nashville, TN, blacks boycott streetcars to protest new Jim Crow laws.
1911 Marcus
Garvey establishes the Universal Negro Improvement Association, a grass-roots Pan-Africanist organization.
1915 U.S.
Supreme Court declares the "grandfather clauses," used in Southern states to block black voting, are unconstitutional.
protests D.W. Griffith's film, "Birth of a Nation" for its portrayal of African-Americans.
1917 Anti-black
riots break out in East St. Louis, IL,
leaving 100 blacks dead or injured. Nearly 10,000 black New Yorkers protest the violence in a Silent Protest Parade.
1919 West
Virginia State Supreme Court rules that a black man was denied equal protection under law because his jury had no black members.
1922 A
bill making lynching a federal offense passes in the U.S. House of Representatives but fails in the U.S. Senate.
1926 A
group of black women is beaten by election officials while attempting to register to vote in Birmingham, AL.
1933 NAACP begins seeking
civil rights through legal suits.
1936 NAACP sues to make pay for black and white teachers equal.
1938 U.S. Supreme Court rules that states must provide equal educational facilities for blacks. The plaintiff, Lloyd Gaines
of Missouri,
mysteriously disappears after the court's decision.
1939 NAACP begins seeking one million signatures supporting
an anti-lynching bill.
1941 U.S. Supreme Court rules that separate facilities on railroads must be equal.
organizer A. Philip Randolph proposes a march on Washington
to protest discrimination in federal programs. The march is called off after President Franklin D. Roosevelt forbids
racial and religious discrimination in defense industries and government training programs.
1943 Congress
of Racial Equality stages the first successful sit-in at a Chicago
Blacks protest exclusion from civilian defense jobs in Detroit,
MI. Violence results in 34 deaths.
1944 U.S. Supreme Court rules that blacks cannot be denied the right to
vote in primary elections.
Navy orders all naval vessels integrated.
1945 White students in Gary, IN, walk out of classes to protest
1946 Supreme Court bans segregation in interstate bus travel.
1947 Congress
on Racial Equality sends an interracial group on a southern bus trip to test compliance with Supreme Court ruling.
1948 President
Harry Truman creates the Fair Employment Board, to eliminate racial discrimination in federal jobs.
1950 U.S.
Supreme Court rules against classroom and social segregation at the University
of Oklahoma. The Court also strikes down an Interstate Commerce Commission
ruling requiring black railroad passengers to eat behind a partition in dining cars.
1951 Gov. Adlai Stevenson
of Illinois orders the National Guard to suppress a race riot after whites protest a black family's attempt to occupy a home
in an all-white neighborhood of Cicero, IL.
1953 Supreme Court bans segregation in Washington, D.C., restaurants.
1954 U.S.
Supreme Court rules in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (Kansas)
that segregated schools are "inherently unequal." Washington, D.C.,
and Baltimore, MD., begin
desegregating schools.
1955 Supreme
Court prohibits segregation of recreation facilities like playgrounds. Interstate Commerce Commission bans segregation in
interstate buses, waiting rooms and railroad coaches. Rosa Parks is arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat
in Montgomery,
AL, spurring a boycott lasting more than a year.
Emmitt Till, a 14-year-old Chicago boy is murdered in Mississippi after allegedly wolf-whistling at a white woman.
1956 Montgomery bus boycott ends after federal court rules that racial segregation on the Alabama city's buses is unconstitutional. Bus segregation is outlawed in Tallahassee, FL.
101 Southern members of Congress
urge states to resist the Brown Supreme Court decision.
NAACP forces the University
of Alabama to enroll its first black student, Autherine Lucy.
1957 Civil
Rights Act, permitting the federal government to sue on behalf of citizens and creating the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights,
is signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Nine students integrate Central
High School in Little Rock, AR. Eisenhower sends para-troopers to enforce the desegregation.
1960 President
Eisenhower signs the Civil Rights Act of 1960, giving federal government responsibility in civil rights issues.
of Civil Rights activists in Nashville, TN,
are damaged in a bombing.
1961 Thirteen Freedom Riders begin bus trip through South to force desegregation
of terminals. The bus is bombed and passengers attacked.
1963 NAACP Field Secretary Medgar Evers is killed
outside his home in Jackson, MS.
In 1994 his killer is finally convicted.
More than 250,000 civil rights demonstrators march on Washington, D.C., where Martin Luther King delivers his
"I Have a Dream" speech.
1964 24th Amendment, which outlaws the poll tax requirement, is ratified and added
to U.S. Constitution.
U.S. Congress passes Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination in public places, schools,
lodging, federal programs and employment.
Martin Luther King Jr. receives the Nobel Peace Prize.
1965 King
leads 200 marchers from Selma to Montgomery,
AL to protest racial discrimination.
Malcolm X is assassinated.
breakout in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles after a
clash between black residents and white police.
1966 Civil rights activist James Meredith is wounded by a sniper during a voter registration march. The next day, nearly
4,000 blacks register to vote.
Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts elected first black U.S.
senator since Reconstruction.
Barbara Jordan becomes first black to serve in Texas
state senate since 1883. She later serves in U.S. Congress before death in January 1996.
1967 In Newark,
NJ, delegates at the Black Power Conference call for partitioning the U.S.
into two independent nations, one for whites and one for blacks.
1968 Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated
after addressing striking garbage workers in Memphis, TN.
President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the 1968 Housing Act prohibiting discrimination in sale, rental or lease of housing.
Shirley Chisholm of New York is first black woman
elected to U.S. Congress.
1969 James Earl Ray pleads guilty to murdering Martin Luther King and is sentenced
to 99 years in prison.
1970 Federal court orders the Internal Revenue Service to tax segregated schools in
Senate extends the Voting Rights Act
of 1965 banning literacy tests.
1971 Eight blacks claim the test required to become a federal employee is
"culturally and racially discriminatory."
U.S. Supreme Court says employers cannot use job tests that discriminate
against blacks if those tests are not related to the work.
1978 Unita Blackwell, founding member of the Mississippi
Freedom Democratic Party, becomes the first black woman mayor in the history of Mississippi
in city of Mayersville. She had once been denied to vote there.
1980 U.S.
Supreme Court rules that intentional discrimination must be proven in order to declare a local election unconstitutional.
1983 President
Ronald Reagan approves law making Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a federal holiday
Vanessa Williams is crowned first
black Miss America
Guion S. Bluford Jr. becomes the first black American astronaut in space
1984 Robert
N.C. Nix Jr. of Pennsylvania is voted first black to head a state Supreme Court.
1985 Congressman John Conyers
pushes part of Anti-Apartheid Act, to impose sanctions on South Africa for its refusal to grant
civil rights to its black residents.
1988 Juanita Kidd Stout of Pennsylvania elected first black woman to
serve on a state Supreme Court
Rev. Jesse Jackson places second in Democratic presidential race, winning 13 primaries
and caucuses.
U.S. Congress passes a Civil Rights Bill vetoed earlier by President Reagan.
Colin Powell becomes
first black Chief of Staff for U.S. Armed Forces. In 1995, he considers and then rejects a run for U.S. President.
1990 A
Georgia state court rules a law keeping Ku Klux Klan members from wearing hooded masks in public is unconstitutional.
Gov. L. Douglas Wilder, nation's first African-American governor, requires state agencies to divest themselves of all business
dealings with South Africa.
1991 Anita
Hill, an African-American law professor, testifies that African-American Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas sexually harassed
her, sparking nationwide debate.
1992 Los Angeles police accused of beating African-American motorist Rodney
King are found not guilty, sparking riots across the city.
1995 Former football star O.J. Simpson is acquitted
of murdering his wife after 13-month "trial of the century." Verdict divides nation on racial lines; most whites feel he is
guilty, most African-Americans agree with the not-guilty verdict.
1996 Oakland,
CA, plan to use black English, or Ebonics, in schools sparks nationwide debate.
1999 NAACP
launches campaign against TV networks to increase number of minorities in shows.
2000 Colin Powell becomes
the first black U.S. Secretary of State.
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