And the angel of God came unto the Prophet on June 21, 2006:
These are those who were sent and you received them not, and this I have against
you! You left your first estate and defiled my people. And by these words you shall know me and know Him who has sent me, for it is on His word I stand and in
His name I come.
That His will might be made manifest in the fullness of time and according to His
choice. You who left your place and took hold on Mt.Armon, known as Mt.
Hermon, the place of the curse.
This I have against you: sorcery, the invocation of incantations, the
dividing of roots and trees.
You, whom my servant and friend Enoch has bound in chains; those who seek after
signs, shall no sign be given. Those entombed under the pyramids and in the depths
of space; those who caused the fall of man, there is no salvation for you but utter damnation.
I know your names and have written them in the little book. The book I sealed and placed inside my servant until the time of the end.
When you left your first place, did you not consider my servant and his warning to you?
You, who stand the heights of three hundred cubits and destroy the land and inhabitants
therein. You, who are cursed with a curse stand ready at the gates and howl for
the Euphrates is soon opened and you will have a little time to torment man.
But touch not my anointed ones who preach in the width and breadth of the land. Their time is not yet appointed.
You, I call: Semihazah,Turiel, Ananel,
Yomiel, Zeqiel, Artqoph, Bamtel, Kakabel, Ramel, Danieal, Baraqel, Asael, Hermoni, Yomiel, Tummiel, Yhaddiel, Matarel, Stuiel,
Samyaza, Urakabarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Saraknyal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane, Zavebe,Yomyael,