Missiles have been found inside both Syria and Lebanon
with Iranian markings on them. There was at least one of these missiles launched
at Israel.
And now we are hearing talk from Boutros Boutros Ghali who is guiding the hands and mouth of Kofi Anan, that Israel must allow permanent UN troops to be placed along the
borders to bring peace to this unstable situation.
Hamas leaders threaten to never release the two soldiers captured. To
stop this, all they have to do is release the two soldiers and it would end. But
why do you think this issue is not being discussed anywhere? They simply want
to make Israel look as if there out of
control so that they can come in and take control from them.
Israel is protecting itself, just as any sovereign nation has the right to do. But somehow they’re the only ones killing and running wild?
It is Iran who has the wild dog
of war as President with the spirit of Alexander the Great running through his veins.
That very spirit that is called Apollyon, who has stated that if the whole world was to come against them they would
not stop.
Yet the news is quiet about this mad man, Ahmadinejad and his provoking this war.
He not only threatens Israel, but he and his band of despots threaten
the lives of Christians in the Sudan, Mogadishu,
Somalia, Ethiopia and
Where is the UN on dealing with him and his lack of self control? If they
continue, the skies will open up over their heads and destroy them.
I strongly recommend all believers prepare for the days ahead by being stocked up on food, water and anything else
you might need such, as medical supplies and emergency equipment.
But most of all, set your spiritual house in order with the living God who will soon remove His hands from us.
God cannot and will not abide in sin. He could not do it when is own Son
was on the cross and He will not do for us. We can’t lay blame on God for
this; we brought this inside our own homes.
As blood reaches out to touch blood, so does sin reach out to touch sin. Our
sins have reached the nostrils of God and He is not pleased.