Exploratory Analysis by
Ricardo Enoch Nuñez
Over and over we hear the same question: What’s happening to the honey bees? Where
are they going? Are they dying? Where
are their bodies? What’s going on?
And what exactly is going to happen to our food supply without the proper pollination?
Take this hypothesis into consideration. Plants which have been genetically modified to produce hybrid fruits and vegetables
are being pollinated by honey bees. Early research revealed that this act of
pollination began to affect the amount of honey that the bees produced. As time
progressed, the process of pollinating hybridized vegetation has finally altered the bees on a molecular level. The molecular alteration has presented itself in a restructuring of the internal physiology of the bee,
i.e., the gut of the bee has been rearranged to support the new genetically modified pollen.
Speculation would further indicate that
this introduction of molecular alteration and genetic modification into the food supply and the food chain could point to
someone or something attempting to ultimately genetically modify man himself. The
intestinal tract of man is where a large portion of the immune system resides. If
the immune system is altered, is it: 1) being altered to create a stronger immune
system? or perhaps 2) being altered to completely weaken the immune system?
Or, even further, is it that we are seeing
the beginning stages of man being transformed into the image of something or someone else?
And if so, into the image of what or whom?
Here is food for thought. How terrifying a thought is it that someone or something, through insidious methods, is seeking to radically
change man? Or that man could be the host of his own undoing by consuming the
very food he needs to thrive?
By genetically altering the bottom of
the food chain, it is assured that no one can reject the end result. For once
honey is processed, and all its by-products, you can find it and its derivations in almost everything that we eat.
Could there be a connection between this
and the explosion of Type II Diabetes? Or its connections to Hypertension and
If this affects mankind’s physiology,
is it reasonable to speculate that this could possibly change our spirituality? We
were created in the image of God, but if that image is being altered, what could the end result be? And would that end result bear any resemblance to our original creator?
And finally, is it also reasonable to
speculate that if someone or something is radically altering the food chain, that mankind is at the threshold of losing his
place at the top of the food chain?