Although the Illuminati
has worldwide "aspects" that include the Vatican in Italy, one of its major core organizations was founded by Cecil Rhodes,
a fabulously wealthy Englishman who mercilessly exploited the black people and diamond reserves of South Africa during the
latter part of the 19th century and founder of DeBeers Diamond Corporation. The country now called Zimbabwe
was previously named after him-Rhodesia. Also the famous Rhodes scholarships at Oxford
are named after him. Specially selected 'Rhodes scholars' inevitably end up in high ranking positions in the world. Former
president of the U.S. , Bill Clinton,
was a Rhodes scholar. If you think that is a coincidence please read on! As a student at Oxford,
Rhodes was greatly influenced by a fine arts professor, one John Ruskin. Ruskin believed
in a New World Order, centralized power by the state to control the production and distribution of goods and services. As
the power and wealth of Rhodes grew he decided to set up a secret society to manipulate events
in the direction of creating a world control group. This group came to be known as the Round Table. It was based on Freemason
lines and had an inner circle, those who knew its precise aims, and an outer circle of Friends made up of wealthy influential
people. Its top members were rarely recorded in its publications, but many were famous politicians and military leaders of
After his death in 1902
much of the funding for the round table came from the infamous house of Rothschild, a name very familiar to any who study
the Illuminati. As a simple example of one of Rothschild's present power bases is its ownership of Reuters-the news agency
which supplies a large amount of information to the world media. Just imagine if you had the power to feed any story you liked
to the world's newspapers through one powerful agency and you'll get some idea of what part of the Round Table is now doing.
And that is just a tiny part. Over the years branches of the Round Table were set up worldwide. Now let us look at what these
organizations actually do around this Illuminati Table!

six organizations you see here have an enormous influence on your daily world, and yet, like most people, you may have never
heard of them. This article will focus on the American branch of the British
Royal Institute of International affairs, the CFR. In future articles we will talk about the true role of the U.N. for it
is certainly not world peace ( it is a world ARMY-already in the making-U.N. soldiers exist now all over the world-did you
notice?) the Club of Rome and how it creates the ecological disaster scenarios through its "reports", yet whose members belong
to huge corporations which make money raping the planet, and the Trilateral commission which links Europe, America and yes
Japan in a super powerful triad "think tank" that basically controls world trade. Are you beginning to see how powerful this
Table really is?
The CFR: The Council on Foreign Relations - centred in America
this super elite organization has members from every walk of influential social and political life. Its supposed aims are
to get rid of national boundaries in an effort to create a 'better' world of the future. It was founded in 1921 after the
Paris peace conference so that Americans could "become familiar with the increasing international
responsibilities and obligations of the U.S.A."
The real goal of the CFR though is not secret. Members agree that World Government is the aim. The U.N. was created by members
of the CFR as a step towards that. And on a plane recently I read about the U.N. in one of the CFR controlled magazines, TIME.
They lamented the fact that the U.N. had not really lived up to its expectations as a peacemaker after 50 years. You can be
sure that this is preparing people for the U.N. being given MORE POWER TO DEAL WITH INTERNATIONAL "PROBLEMS" It is the old
Illuminati strategy of Problem-Reaction-Solution (aka. 'Order Out of Chaos'). You create a problem such as a war in the gulf
or Bosnia in recent days, you create a
reaction from the public through the media like "Oh saddam is such an evil man" then you offer a solution by sending in U.N.
backed troops! The U.N. itself was the solution to the problem of the second war which had created the reaction among people
of "we are sick and tired of war-please do something!" Do you see how brilliant these people are? What people you may ask.
Good question.
By checking out the membership
list you will see that in the U.S. (you
must have American nationality to join the CFR and you must be recommended by another member. You can be expelled if you reveal
too much of their secret agenda. The initiation process to get into the CFR is in line with elitist thinking.) the most influential
people in the government including 14 out of 18 secretaries of state since the CFR was founded, 8 directors of the CIA including
the infamous George Bush,were members and as far as presidents and vice presidents go Clinton is a member, Eisenhower, Kennedy,
Nixon,Carter, Mondale, Ford, Rockefeller were too to name but a few. The Rockefellers, who have been chairpersons of the CFR,
donated land for the U.N. building. If you think the coincidences are piling up check out who the heads of all the major newspaper
and media companies, energy companies like shell and Texaco are, who the head of the Federal reserve is, the bank owners and
directors, the chiefs of the U.S. military and the leaders of the educational institutions such as Yale, Cornell and Columbia
universities and you will see they are ALL members of the CFR! You could say with confidence that in modern America a non member has almost zero chance of attaining real
success (power and money) in society.
But you must be white
(out of 3,000 members only 10% are of colour) better if you are male (few women in it) and you must like secrecy. Why? Despite
the fact that it publishes an annual report the CFR holds many meetings in secret. In Casablanca
in 1995 a Mid East/North Africa CFR summit meeting was held with Yelstin and Clinton in attendance. No main media reported
this. Just as the Bilderberg group does with its yearly "think tank" ! Why the secrecy?
Members are assured that
"statements made at meetings will not be transmitted to public media". The Royal Institute of International Affairs is the
model for the CFR and is even more secretive simply because the British have been doing it longer.
Please ask yourself why
the leaders of the most powerful country on Earth, and top individuals in every major field, belong to an organization that
you have never heard of , that has meetings in secret. And then tell me there is no such thing as a secret government. Excuse
me while I laugh if you do!
Source : From David Icke's explosive book'The truth shall set you free'
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